Clinic Services


Kinesiology is a muscle-monitoring technique which allows the practitioner to access both conscious and sub conscious information from the client. The information, which comes via a feedback system, is directly related to the stresses that prevent the body from healing itself.

Using kinesiology, the practitioner is able to find the underlying cause of these stresses and find solutions to the problems using a variety of techniques. In a way it is not the therapist that decides what is relevant or important, rather; the client guides the session through his or her own muscle response.

This means that each and every session is individualised and tailored exactly for the client’s needs.

Balancing techniques vary greatly and stresses can be addressed on many levels:

  • Structural (muscle pain, sport injury, neurological issues, back pain etc).
  • Emotional/Psychological (emotional problems, depression, anxiety, fear, phobias, learning problems etc).
  • Biochemical (nutritional balancing, digestion, absorption, utilisation issues).
  • Electromagnetic (chakra balancing, meridian balancing and acupoint pressure, and auric body balancing)

The numbers of session that are required will be determined according to the issue/s being addressed. It is not uncommon to see a Kinesiologist for 4-5 sessions and up to 10-15 sessions for more complex problems like (severe learning difficulties).


Neurofeedback (NFB), also known as Biofeedback, is a therapy technique that trains the brain to learn more efficiently. During the session the client is presented with real second-to-second feedback on their brainwave activity (EEG). While playing games on a computer the client receives information about the EEG (electroencephalogram) patterns they are producing at any moment. This occurs by placing sensors, which measure EEG activity, on the scalp and ears.  The client receives a reward when they produce activity which would be supportive of the outcome they are trying to achieve, such as better focus and concentration. Since the feedback that the client is receiving is almost instantaneous, through training it is possible for the client to influence and change the EEG patterns they produce. This is known as operant conditioning. Since the EEG fluctuates it is possible over time to retrain the brain to produce EEG patterns that support learning, concentration and sustained attention.

What to expect during a neurofeedback session:

typical neurofeedback session requires 2-3 minutes setup and between 30 – 60 minutes of training, depending on age. At Optimal Learning Centre this therapy is often combined with other programs such as the clinical aspect of Samonas Sound Therapy (Bone Conduction), therefore each session can run for up to one and half hours.

During the setup three sensors are placed on the scalp. The client is instructed to follow a computer game where they are required to focus on certain aspects. When the brain produces an EEG pattern that would be more supportive of the outcome they are trying to achieve (for example increased attention, concentration, or reduced stress), the video game produces visual and auditory rewards. Over time this trains the brain to produce EEG patterns that are closer to the desired outcome.

A., Greenberg, L. K., Kindschi, C. L., Dupuy, T. R., & Hughes, S. J. (2007).


Over 150 studies have utilised the TOVA test to measure attention in people with attention disorders. The TOVA is a 22 minute test that compares the results of the client to a standardised database. The TOVA test measures 8 different variables, all important in attention:

  • Response Time Variability: A time measurement of how consistently the microswitch is pressed.
  • Response Time: A time measurement of how fast or slow information is processed and responded to.
  • d’ Signal Detection: A time measurement of how fast performance drops.
  • Commission Errors: A measure of impulsivity: how many times the non-target is pressed.
  • Omission Errors: A measure of inattention: how many times the target is not pressed.
  • Post-Commission Response Time: A time measurement of how fast or slow a response is after a commission error.
  • Multiple Responses: A measure of how many times the button is pressed repeatedly (indicator of other problems).
  • Anticipatory Responses: A time measurement how often a person is guessing rather than responding.
  • Because the results are compared to specific age groups it can be easily determine how extensive concentration problems are and what areas tend to be most affected.

Neurofeedback and TOVAA study of 1,089 ADHD clients showed that Neurofeedback training of Beta waves and sensorimotor training (SMR) led to significant improvements in impulse control and attentiveness. The significant positive changes were measured by the TOVA. – Kaiser and Othmer (2000).

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Reflex Therapy

Based on the research of Peter Blythe and Sally Goddard Blythe at the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) in the UK, Primitive Reflex Therapy assesses the client for any retained primitive reflexes or undeveloped postural reflexes which may be the underlying cause of difficulties with reading, writing, balance, coordination and movement, as well as sensory hypersensitivity, concentration issues and bedwetting.

Once the reflexes have been identified, appropriate treatment is given to assist the primitive reflexes to integrate and the appropriate postural reflexes to emerge, allowing proper maturation of the child’s central nervous system.