About Us
Some of the difficulties we work with are:
- Behavioural issues - including concentration, focus, and impulsivity
- Learning - including reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, maths
- Moods and emotions - eg anxiety, fear, anger, hypersensitivity
- Brain integration
- Social skills - including confidence and communication
- Motor skills, balance and co-ordination; motor planning, sequencing and processing; endurance
- Mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity
- Retained primitive reflexes and undeveloped postural reflexes
At Optimal Learning we offer the following therapies:
- Neurofeedback
- Kinesiology
- Primitive Reflex Therapy

Ondrej BursikBA (Psychology), Dip HSc (Holistic Kinesiology)
Ondrej is the Director of Optimal Learning Centre. On completing his BA in Psychology at Macquarie University in 1996, Ondrej undertook a two year diploma course in Holistic Kinesiology.
Ondrej currently works at Optimal Learning Centre and lectures in Holistic Kinesiology at the College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney.
Ondrej completed training in:
- Neurofeedback assessment and analysis
- Samonas Sound Therapy
- Primitive Reflex Therapy
- Interactive MetronomeAlso trained in Neurofeedback assessment and analysis procedures, Samonas Sound Therapy, Primitive Reflex Therapy (INPP) and Interactive Metronome.
For more information on Kinesiology please visit - www.complementary.com.au